List of Entries
Learn a little about hundreds of topics, from the tired idea of “Back in My Day …” to “Zombies: Sadder Than You Think”.
“Back in my day …”
“Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better”
“Haunted” Houses
“Pumpkin” Spice
8 months of Oysters
A : turning the Ox upside down
A Beatles Opening & Closing
Acanthus Leaves
Acquired Overbites
American Lobsters: From Trash to Treasure
Amish “Miracle” Fireplaces
Animal Names vs Meat Names
Auld Lang Syne
Autumn Colors
Baseball Organs
Baseball Rubbing Mud
Behind the Auroras
Beyond the Pale
Black Cats
Black Friday
Blue Raspberry
Bock Beer / Goat Beer
Bog Bodies of Ireland
Bond … James Bond, ornithologist
Brain Freeze
Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner (Supper, & Tea)
Buried Pirate Treasure
Cabinet of Curiosities
Calvin and Hobbes (the real ones)
Candy Hearts
Carats, Karats, Carets, & Carrots
Celtic to Gaelic to Irish
Charles Dickens and the Little Ice Age
Christmas Boar’s Head, to Goose, to Turkey
Christmas Ghost Stories
Christmas Trees: Real or Plastic?
Cicadas & Prime Numbers
Cinco de Mayo e Jalisco
Cleopatra was Egyptian…ish
Cocaine: the Early Years
Coffee: Sun-Grown or Shade-Grown?
Colonel Sanders … Not A Military Colonel
Color Blindness
Comic Sans
Conical Hats
Conspiracy Theories
Crop Circles
Cú Chulainn: Irish Warrior
Dante’s Hell
Dark Mirrors
Deaf White Cats
Desert Storm Trading Cards
Devil’s Advocate
Diamonds are not forever, but pretty close
Dog Days of Summer
Dogie, Not Doggy
Double, Double, Toil and Trouble
Dum Dums Mystery Flavor
Ea-nasir’s Bad Copper Ingots
Egyptian Mummies: From Medicine to Paint
Elvis’s Fool’s Gold
Empty Winter Gas Tanks
Experiences Over Things
Eye Color
Fade to Black … and Blue
First Sleep & Second Sleep
French Dog Names
Friday the 13th
Germanic Gods (and Saturn)
Ghosts As Sheets
Googie Architecture
Goths and the Gothic
Goya’s Black Paintings
Grip the Raven
Groundhog Day
Herbs & Spices (and Salt)
Honey & Allergies
House Numbers & Chinoiserie
Imitation Eyes
Indiana Jones and the Letter “J”
Indigo & Isaac Newton
Inoculation Hair Styles & Early Adopters
Irish “Pub In A Box”
Irish Harp